a couple in their home kitchen

How to upgrade your small kitchen for comfort and style

The kitchen is often referred to as the heart of the home. It’s time to remodel your kitchen if your current one doesn’t meet your needs or preferences. Forbes found that the average cost for a kitchen renovation in the United States was $28,030. This is a substantial amount of money. Many small kitchen upgrades don’t require a huge financial investment. There are many small kitchen upgrades that you can do yourself to improve your comfort and style without spending a fortune.

Consider these small kitchen upgrades if you want to rediscover your love for your kitchen.

Installing a fire sprinkler system

Fire sprinklers are more common in commercial than in residential buildings, but they can be a great addition to any home, especially if installed in the kitchen. Fire sprinklers release water when a fire alarm is triggered. Whether it is made of Cypress wood or tiles, your kitchen ceiling is the ideal location to install a sprinkler system. Why? Fire sprinklers release water when activated. This suppresses the fire. You don’t need to worry about damaging your expensive smart TV or suede sofa in the kitchen. But you will still benefit from fire suppression.

There are several options when it comes to installing fire sprinkler systems. The most common fire sprinkler system is the wet type. It’s cost-effective and does the job. The steel pipe of a wet fire sprinkler emits pressurized, water-filled nozzles when it is turned on. These systems can help to suppress fires, giving you extra time for your family to safely leave your home.

A dry fire sprinkler is another option. It is more expensive and uses larger pipes and compressed air to release the water. Also, there are deluge and foam fire sprinklers. These tend to be more popular in commercial properties.

Are you worried about water in the kitchen? This is a valid concern as sprinklers can cause some water damage when they release too much too quickly. Water damage from a sprinkler system is nothing compared to damage caused by fire hose pressure. Smoke damage and fire restoration are more complex than water damage repair. Hiring water damage cleanup professionals will ensure that there is no lasting damage.

Add a Bar in Your Kitchen

Are you looking for small kitchen upgrade ideas? Why not add a small bar? The most obvious benefit is the additional space that a bar will provide. If you position it strategically, you might even be able increase your counterspace.

For people who like to entertain, a kitchen bar is the perfect upgrade for a small kitchen. You can eat in the dining room and leave food out on the bar to serve those who wish for seconds or even thirds. This can be a great benefit for formal dinners. You can decorate and design your table to suit the occasion if you like. Bars are perfect for informal gatherings like Superbowl parties. Bars are a great place to keep snacks and finger foods.

two guys at a bar table smiling

A bar in a small space will automatically define the kitchen area. It can be useful for many reasons. It is a great way to keep the home organized and compact if you have a lot to host. A bar encourages conversation in a manner that a kitchen or dining area with snacks scattered about will not. A bar gives people a place to gather, and this helps your party feel intimate without making guests feel claustrophobic.

A bar is not only a perfect addition to any family that enjoys entertaining guests but also a wonderful place for the whole family to get together. You can enjoy a snack, do a jigsaw together, or even complete some arts and crafts at your bar. Your bar can be designed to suit your style and is fully customizable. Try out different window treatments or bar wallpapers until you find what works best for your space.

Add a Breakfast Nook

The addition of a small breakfast nook to the kitchen is a popular idea. However, many homeowners believe that a bigger kitchen will be required. It’s not true. Breakfast nooks can be incorporated into any home, regardless of the floor plan. They are also beneficial for smaller kitchens. Breakfast nooks are traditionally thought to be cozy. However, they can be designed in a way that you find appealing or elegant.

There are many other uses for this space in your kitchen.

Breakfast nooks can be a great way to increase counter space. Additional surface area can be beneficial for even larger kitchens with islands. They’re a great place to gather your family at mealtimes and allow you to prepare food without being on your feet all the time.

A breakfast nook is a great place for younger children to paint, color, or do puzzles. It gives your child an independent feeling, while still allowing you to keep an eye on him or her. This area will quickly become a favorite hangout spot for school-aged kids. You can give your children a snack or let them do it themselves and then take a moment to chat with them about their day. A breakfast nook makes a great homework area because there are no distractions, such as the TV in the living room or toys in the bedrooms.

Most people imagine a breakfast nook near a window. If you have one in your home, it can be an ideal place to put yours. It is simple and inexpensive to add a bench and a table under the window. For added comfort, you may choose decorative pillows. You could also invest in new window treatments to give the room a special look.

If you don’t have a window, consider using a corner in your kitchen for a breakfast nook. You can hire interior painting services to create a special corner in your kitchen. Or, you can paint a fun accent on the wall to make it stand out. Don’t like the look of a round table with chairs? Why not create a breakfast nook or booth using benches?

Build a Unique Wine Rack

Do you love to pair your culinary creations with different wines? Consider building your wine rack. It is one of the best small kitchen upgrades for wine lovers. A smaller rack that you can put on your counter will be perfect for someone who drinks less often.

Do you know why wine cellars store bottles in a horizontal position? When storing bottles with corks, it is better to store them on their side rather than standing. This helps keep the cork moist. Why is it important that the cork retains moisture? Moisturized corks will open a wine bottle with a cork more easily. The cork can become brittle if it becomes too dry. This will cause it to break when you open your wine. No one wants to serve guests wine with bits of cork floating around.

Unique wine racks allow you to store wine horizontally and add visual interest to the kitchen. You can store your screw-top wine vertically, or horizontally, depending on how much you consume.

The lattice rack is one of the most popular designs for wine racks. This is because it’s a simple DIY project. Wood can harbor mold and mildew. If necessary, you should call mold remediation professionals.

Wrought iron is another popular choice for keeping a rack of wine in your kitchen. Although it is best to leave the construction of a wrought-iron wine rack to professionals, its sleek beauty may be worth your money.

You can choose the type of wine rack that you want to use in your kitchen. A wine rack is a great way to showcase your custom jewelry like bracelets and necklaces. Are you a fan of a certain sports team? Decorate your home with accents that reflect their colors to showcase your style and personality.

Open Shelving

Open shelving is a popular kitchen upgrade idea that has remained unchanged in the last few years. Why do homeowners like open shelving?

If you’ve ever renovated a kitchen or if you’ve been researching a remodel, then you already know that cabinets can be a major expense. Open shelving can help you save a lot of money. Remove the doors of your cabinets for a few weeks to see if you like open shelving. You can get used to it without committing fully to the remodel.

Do you still love the look and feel of closed cabinets? Try an open shelving system as an interim measure before remodeling your kitchen. Open shelving will allow you to remove the cabinets you don’t like and install new ones without spending a lot of money.

a senior woman and her adult sun at the kitchen

Open shelving is also popular because it’s convenient. You can save time by having all your kitchen items readily accessible and visible at all times. If you host often, your guests will find it easier to navigate through your kitchen, without constantly asking you where an item is.

When professionals are hired to do work in your home, you won’t need to constantly clear cabinets. Open shelving makes it easier to clean up cabinets when you have refrigeration services or a plumber on call for an emergency.

Open shelving may not be the best upgrade for a small kitchen, but it is a great option. Installing shelves instead of cabinets will make your kitchen feel bigger. This will brighten your room no matter what color scheme you select for your shelves and kitchen.

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to make your home more comfortable and stylish. These small kitchen upgrades and more can easily customize your kitchen and blend seamlessly with your interior design. You can refresh your small space with a little creativity and DIY.


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